It's raining today so I'm in the office instead of on the dock. I been poking around online today and found our page on Apple Maps, which is supported through YELP. I noticed a new review. It's a 4-star rated review. I'm happy with the review and rating, but it makes me wonder why YELP shows this 4-star rated review while it hides fourteen 5-star rated reviews. I'm not very happy about it. Let's take a minute to review YELP (get ready Groupon, you're next)In the beginning I reviewed myself... Now I know better. I mean, the review was true. We offer great, flexible service and quality equipment, but of course it's biased. I'm not gonna leave myself a bad review. So I get it, that review is hidden on YELP. But what about some of these? Here's what they say:"We get millions of reviews from our users, so we use automated software to recommend the ones that are most helpful for the Yelp community. The software looks at dozens of different signals, including various measures of quality, reliability, and activity on Yelp. The process has nothing to do with whether a business advertises on Yelp or not. The reviews that currently don't make the cut are listed below and are not factored into this business's overall star rating." Here's some non 'recommended' reviews |